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Pepe’s back!

June 9, 2010

And Portugal beat Mozambique 3-0 in their last game before the World Cup.  Cristiano didn’t start the game, but he played for 30 minutes.  But the bigger news was that Pepe played his first game in six months!  He came in as a sub and played the last 15 minutes.  It’s great to see him back!

Don’t Portugal’s warm-up and game uniforms make you think of Christmas?  And once again, Cristiano showed that he has very nice legs.

It’s just hard getting used to Pepe with hair!

And much like I hate seeing Kaká with Robinho, it also really disgusts me to see either Pepe or Cristiano with Carlos Queiroz.  I didn’t think he was the right man for Madrid – and he proved me right during his disastrous year as head coach – and even now he’s still spouting crap about Madrid.

Anyway, since we mentioned Kaká, and because he’s best friends with Pepe and Cristiano in Madrid, here’s a picture I like of Kaká’s boots.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Jay permalink
    June 9, 2010 22:53

    Amen to everything you said about Carlos Queiroz. Truth is I don’t understand how the federation picked him has coach in the first place.

    btw does kaka’s shoe say :’Jesus in first place’ ?

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