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some good news!

June 8, 2010

Well, I think this is something we have all been waiting for.

Yesterday, it was announced that Gonzalo Higuaín has signed on to stay with Real Madrid until 2016, the year he will mark his 10th anniversary wearing our white shirt.  So far, Pipita has played in 141 games and scored 64 goals.  I hope to see him score a lot more!

Side note: I saw Argentina training yesterday, and wow, Maradona makes Messi look tall!

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the Madrid stratosphere, Kaká scored a goal as Brazil beat Tanzania 1-5 in Brazil’s last friendly before the World Cup begins.  Ricky played all 90 minutes and scored the fourth goal for his team.

Second side note: can Kaká stop hanging out with Robinho in the training sessions?  It makes me happy to see pictures of Kaká, but that happiness is tempered somewhat when I have to look at that little idiot too.

And good news on the Pepe front as well.  He’s expected to play tonight in Portugal’s friendly against Mozambique, which will conclude his six months of recovery following his knee injury back in December 2009.  This will of course be Pepe’s first game since that incident.

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