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Iker on beards, beauty secrets & books

March 14, 2011
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Plus, what he’d like to do after he retires, his fears, how he’s changed his diet and more!

As you know, Iker Casillas is the spokesperson for Philips electric razor, the SensoTouch 3D.  With Father’s Day coming up in Spain (it’s celebrated on March 19 because it’s the day of St. Joseph, Jesus’ adoptive father.  It’s also the last day of Las Fallas when everything goes up in flames!), Iker is busy promoting the product as a fantastic Father’s Day gift.  And that included this amusing and endearing interview (done on the morning of Feb. 23, the day after Madrid played Lyon in the CL) and photo session with El Mundo’s Magazine.

Did you sleep?  How do you sleep after a game?

Usually depending on how it went.  If it went well, good.  If it went poorly, then bad.  I keep thinking about the game.  This one could have gone very, very well, but we’ll leave it at just “well.”

You’re the image of the new SensoTouch 3D and so we have to talk about shaving.

The truth is that I couldn’t grow a beard before.  The hair only started growing recently, from the time that I became an hombrecito.  Before that, there was only the typical boy’s thing when your father teaches you to shave.  But I had nothing then.  As I told you, I was beardless back then.

Do you like shaving?

In the beginning, it was horrible because my skin would get very dry, until I found products that helped with the task and left me better off.

So you use cosmetics…

Of course, it’s normal, no?  It appears that people magnify the fact that you use a hand cream or a face cream.  I spend a lot of time outside and sometimes, it’s very cold and the air dries out my skin and the normal thing would be for me to try and protect it.

But you’re not one of those footballers like Beckham…

No.  I’m very classic.  With all the problems there are in life, I can’t spend time worrying about if I have one ear bigger than the other or if my hair falls out.  Speaking of hair, do you know how I style mine?  I leave my house, I get in my car, I open the windows and I dry my hair…

And clothes?  Do you like shopping?

Yes, but I don’t have to go out and buy everything in order for me to relax.

Do you watch what you eat?

Yes, yes.  The older I get, the more careful I am.  A professional athlete should take care of his body.  The most important thing is the head, but also your body.  Now I eat things that I used to hate, such as spinach or fish.

Did you like the posing you did today?

No.  But those are things that come with the job, and you have to do them.  I try to do my thing well, which is to stop balls.

What will you dedicate yourself to after you retire?

I don’t know.  I’ve thought about joining the police force…

What hobbies do you have?

I like to go to the movies, but I go on days when there aren’t a lot of people, such as Monday or Tuesday.  Never on Wednesdays, which is the día del espectador.

How do you deal with fame?

People have always been affectionate towards me.  The best are the children.  I like it when they like me, when they see me as a role model, because they’re the future.  They’re innocent, and when they get near you, they get nervous and they don’t speak.  It’s nice, I like it.

How did you end up becoming a goalkeeper?

As a kid, when you like football, two things can happen: you like to score goals or you like to stop them.  And I liked to stop them.  I’m a goalkeeper and I’ve always liked the risk of being in the goal and being phenomenal one day and very bad the next.

What do you think of traveling?

When it’s for pleasure, I like it, and the further I travel, the better.  I don’t like work trips, especially being in the hotel for so many hours.

And what do you do to pass the time?

I listen to music, from AC/DC to Camilo Sesto.  I don’t like reading as much.  I like newspapers, but not books.  Well, I don’t really need it either because I have too much imagination. I watch movies, especially science fiction ones, things about the future, seeing how we’re going to live in 70 years time…

And what’s that going to be like?

We’ll be dead, no?  Well, at least I will be.

What things frighten you?

Lately, cancer.  That I or my loved ones could get cancer.  Luckily, no one close to me has it, but it’s there.

Has the crisis affected you?

I would be a hypocrite if I said yes.  But I have a family and I have friends.

What do you like to spend money on?  Cars, watches…?

I don’t like cars, or watches.  A splurge?  A good dinner, with 10 amiguetes.  Will I pay?  Sure, no problem.

The article also says that although Iker’s only “regular” with technology and he describes himself as an “archaic” with new technology, he’s learning bit by bit and getting the best out of each thing.  They also gave Iker two looks, one “before shaving” and “one after shaving.”  Again, how good does Iker look when others dress him???

And a bonus Iker Philips ad here.  If you live in Spain and purchase one, you can enter to win a draw for €2,000 in spending money, presented to you personally by Iker Casillas.  And I’m sorry, but in the ad… the man looks nothing like Iker!!!  The profile is infinitely inferior.  I know, because I’ve spent too much time staring at precisely that, Iker’s profile.

34 Comments leave one →
  1. eruhin permalink
    March 14, 2011 12:11

    And what’s that going to be like?

    We’ll be dead, no? Well, at least I will be.

    Loooool! This question really killed me. Thanks a lot for this interview, so cute and funny:D

  2. Debsen permalink
    March 14, 2011 12:28

    Love the interview! The police force? Somehow I think the crime rate would go up (especially by women) in hopes of being cuffed by Iker :).

    • mar permalink
      March 14, 2011 14:49

      and they will be the most obindient arrested women in the world!

    • March 15, 2011 02:25

      I think seeing Iker on the streets alone would be enough to stop traffic…

  3. Patchist permalink
    March 14, 2011 12:40

    The shirt isnt the same either. Iker is clearly wearing a white polo shirt while the other one is wearing a gray shirt.

  4. Milleca permalink
    March 14, 2011 13:01

    I don’t know why Una, but I always tend to laugh about Iker and his interviews. Sometimes he says weird things that I’d just be all… it’s okay, he’s that adorable.

    Thanks for this!

  5. Pammie permalink
    March 14, 2011 13:24

    “Again, how good does Iker look when others dress him???”

    I seriously got to doubt the vest of the after photo xDDDD

    “until I found products that helped with the task and left me better off.”
    do you think Xabi’s Gillette campaign helped him with this? 😛

    ” I leave my house, I get in my car, I open the windows and I dry my hair…”
    this made me laugh out loud, I’m glad that noone was watching.

    This was a fun interview, thanks for the translation, UM! :*

    • DebS permalink
      March 14, 2011 22:14

      ” I leave my house, I get in my car, I open the windows and I dry my hair…”

      this made me laugh out loud, I’m glad that noone was watching.

      Same here!

  6. March 14, 2011 13:32

    olord! If that’s how he styles his hair it gives us a very good idea on what his version of ‘hair care’ is. Also, no wonder its all falling out!

    I love the fact that Iker is very frank about hair loss (sorry I laughed when I read that part! i love you iker!!!) and his dislike for photo shoots. That part only endured him to me.

  7. mumblo permalink
    March 14, 2011 13:46

    So, Saturday is March 19 — is that the reason behind not having the concentracion?

  8. Kat permalink
    March 14, 2011 13:56

    “Again, how good does Iker look when others dress him???” – VERY good! I want to tell him, “this is the way to wear plaid, Iker!”

    Iker as a police officer. A lot of women’s imaginations will have a field day with that!

    And although he doesn’t really shop, it won’t hurt to invest even a little more money on clothes. And maybe a stylist.

  9. natty-boy permalink
    March 14, 2011 14:25

    Why you do this to me Iker! I swear, one can’t be more in love with him that I am right now.

    And that last picture… It’s so fake that it makes you cry. First, the shirt. Second, “Iker’s” hand. And in the mirror the shaver is a lot lower than it is supposed to. Gah! Okay, I’ll leave it there.

    • mumblo permalink
      March 14, 2011 19:13

      The guy in the grey T-shirt is just supposed to be some regular guy — he envisions himself as Iker while shaving because.. Iker endorses the product? Not sure what connection we’re supposed to make. As far as the bad photoshop of the image in the mirror… I can’t offer an explanation. Gillette has enough money to do better than that. Tsk, tsk.

  10. Clara permalink
    March 14, 2011 15:35

    This last one is to use your imagination … any man can be iker casillas … I think this is …

    “I leave my house, I get in my car, I open the windows and I dry my hair … I LOVE YOU IKER!

    I really imagined it reading the newspaper while eating their breakfast cereal! HAHA

  11. Suzi permalink
    March 14, 2011 16:01

    I think the point of the last ad is that when the girlfriend looks in the mirror she sees Iker instead of her dopey boyfriend because that razor makes him look so good 🙂

  12. March 14, 2011 16:11

    So that is how he styles his hair? – no wonder it reached this state!
    I would commit a crime to be arrested by Policeman Iker! 😀

  13. Katia permalink
    March 14, 2011 16:16

    I love Iker, but he gives pretty … strange… answers… “NO I DO NOT LIKE POSING”. haha.

    Maybe I am just to used to Xabi’s more… profound answers ❤

    Anyway, Una, I have been reading your blogs for a long time now, and I Love it! Thank you so much for all the hard work.

  14. mila_casillas permalink
    March 14, 2011 16:33

    My sweet sweet bunny. How I love him. ❤

    Haha I think the ad is showing guys that when they shave with this razor they will look like Iker. That is why the guy outside the mirror is a different, regular dude.

  15. March 14, 2011 16:38

    If he ever ends up on the police force, I will resort to a life of crime, and be very difficult to apprehend. I will put up a fight like you won’t believe if it means I get tackled by this guy.
    In the Phillips ad, the image reflected in the mirror is definitely Iker, just photoshopped (no red dot on the left of his nose), but the person in the foreground is not him… the arm and hand are too dark and the girl is not in the same position as the reflection. They think they have us fooled… -.- they obviously don’t know who they are dealing with…

  16. my cat is evil permalink
    March 14, 2011 16:46

    I think that was exactly what they were going for! A regular man shaving and feeling like Iker Casillas, hence the image in the mirror. Otherwise why put a clearly very different man’s photo from behind and not just shoot a photo of Iker in front of the mirror from behind? They would have bothered to at last use the same shirt Iker wore if they wanted us to believe man in the mirror and man in front of the mirror are the same ones! Am I completely off track?

    Unamadridista, you are a saint, taking time and translating and posting these images and news for the helpless madridistas like me. Thank you, very much appreciated.

  17. ich permalink
    March 14, 2011 17:38

    “do you know how I style mine? I leave my house, I get in my car, I open the windows and I dry my hair…”

    Now I know why he often had a messy hair. Maybe that’s part the cause why he loss his hair? It was blown away when he driving..
    He’s oddly frank, but that makes him adorable and admirable at the same time no?

  18. barb permalink
    March 14, 2011 18:10

    This is the funniest Iker interview yet! The hair-drying story was LOL. But if he really does lose his hair he would probably look just fine with a shaved head.

    The idea of him joining the police is kind of startling – well, he does yell a lot during some games, and as captain of the team he would be used to telling others what to do…Hhmmm – perhaps he could be a motor-cycle cop and we would see him in leathers. Now that could be a tasty visual image!

  19. Ana permalink
    March 14, 2011 18:49

    I loved this interview ahahha.

    Isn’t the ad supposed to be like that though? It’s a different guy shaving but “when you shave with this razor, you’ll look like Iker and your girlfriend will be happy”…that type of thing lol.

  20. Ang permalink
    March 14, 2011 19:16

    UNA I AM SHOCKED!!!!! I thought you would have put in blue the whole thing of Iker joining the police force…. and comment along the lines of …. “those handcuffs might come in handy” or “Iker can arrest me any time” … *lol*


    • March 15, 2011 08:11

      I think it’s because Iker said before that he would be a policeman if he weren’t a footballer, so it wasn’t news to me.

  21. yaya permalink
    March 14, 2011 23:15

    Wonderful interview, thanks for the translation! LOVE the pictures 🙂 Also, am I the only one who thinks Iker’s hair has been looking better since Christmas or something? It fell off after the World Cup, but I think it’s been growing back bit by bit. Or maybe he got some hair plugs.

  22. Hala_Madrid permalink
    March 15, 2011 07:21

    Iker’s hot!!! OMG I can’t get enough of all our players they are the best. I love them all

  23. Canon permalink
    March 15, 2011 09:48

    Una, i’m sorry for offtop….
    but i saw in your blor article about Alvaro Arbeloa and now i cannot find…
    Help me, please! Give me a link…)))

    • March 15, 2011 13:41

      You’ll have to be more specific if you want help… Álvaro Arbeloa is tagged in 188 posts.

  24. Mandy permalink
    March 15, 2011 10:40

    ” I leave my house, I get in my car, I open the windows and I dry my hair”

    “A professional athlete should take care of his body. The most important thing is the head, but also your body.”

    Here is the problem. If Iker always dry his hair by that way, he probably get a headache.

  25. black widow permalink
    March 15, 2011 22:35

    i. adore. him.

    picturing him as a cop, in leathers, on a motorbike, is going to be my permanent happy place from now on …

    and i love how candid and honest he is in his answers. my kind of guy!

    gracias, una, for the translation! you rock!

  26. girlfriday permalink
    March 16, 2011 21:58

    hes so humble, i love it!

  27. March 17, 2011 02:27

    I adore Iker. The quote about how he dries his hair is CLASSIC!

    Love the clothes but the pictures of him on the right are overly photoshopped. Iker is perfect on his own!


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